Weather-Bos Shake and Shingle Roofs
Protect Your Home Investment
How much will it cost to protect your investment?
For a home which has a current value of $200,000, if one were to spend 1/2% of that value ($1000) each year to "insure" the protection of that investment, it would take 200 years to use up that value. Yet often, the person who neglects the investment in his $200,000 home will spend $1000 or more yearly to insure a $20,000 automobile, which in a few years is worth very little. The answer is obvious:
The investment warrants the expense!
The Benefits of Using Cedar Shakes and Shingles
- A renewable resource
- Highly resilient in earthquakes
- Survives hurricane force winds
- Aesthetically pleasing - lasting value
- Protection from pounding hail storms
- Lifetime performance with maintenance
- Protects the environment - envirosmart!
- High insulation value - low energy costs
More on Cedar Shakes and Shingles:
How Long Will A Cedar Shake Or Shingle Last?
Is Wood Roofing Safe?
- UL Labs Rigorous Testing
- Fire-Rated Cedar is Time-Tested
- The Shake Industry Responds to Consumer Demand
- UL Recognition
Application Procedures
- Coverage
- Aged Roofs
- Power Washing
Shake and Shingle Roof Maintenance |